A global online platform created to turn anyone into an entrepreneur and take their idea from the back of a napkin and turn it into a successful business.
Launched in January 2024, Bold Minds believes everyone has the potential to be a world-class entrepreneur. Our purpose is to unlock human potential by inspiring an army of dreamers to take action and build better businesses.
Our mission is clear: We want to create a community of the world's most driven people and support them in their mission to make the universe a better place for all living things on planet Earth and beyond.
We publish new content every week, from our SECRET OF MY SUCCESS playlist to how you take an idea from the back of a napkin to IPO in our JOURNEY OF AN IDEA playlist. Also, check out our SOFA SO GOOD video series, where we plonk a sofa on a high street near you and invite passing people to share their business dreams and ambitions.
FROM the Back of a Napkin to ipo
The team at Bold Minds has never been to the Monaco Boat Show, but we know this is where we can capture some awesome footage and meet epic entrepreneurs. We are looking for a partner we can team up with that can take us under their wing, help us get access to and attend events, and introduce us to epic entrepreneurs we can interview for the channel. In addition, we have several contacts that we know (or have interviewed for the channel) who are attending the event and whom we would like to meet and interview again. As such, we are seeking a partner who can offer us a location to camp down at to conduct these interviewsWHO IS OUR TARGET AUDIENCE?
There are two core target customer types: 1. contributors and 2. followers (also known as viewers or members). Contributors fall into two sub-groups: a) epic entrepreneurs and b) industry experts. Our content and marketing is designed to target and engage four types of followers: 1) dreamers - those sitting at a desk dreaming about owning their own business and being their own boss; 2) start-ups - any business that is classed as a start-up, 3) established entrepreneurs - those that already own/run a business that recognise they need to change to adapt/survive into the future and 4) next generation of a family business who have or will inherit the firm and need or want to change the way their parents did things before them. ALL of our target audience have two things in common - a burning desire to succeed and bursting with ambition.
- Our content will show them they are not alone.
- Our epic entrepreneurs will Inspire them.
- Our publishing schedule for the videos will offer a guidebook for success.
- Opportunity to learn from others mistakes.
- Demonstrate that failure is merely a pit stop on the road to success.
- To feel part of a (support) community.
- Because our followers want to make their dent in the universe.
- They want to do something that makes the world a better place for everyone.
- To be inspired.
- To learn practical skills to help their business.
- To learn specific skills to solve a specific problem / task.
- To know where to start.
- To be better / improve knowledge.
- To build their own dream not someone else's.
- We will physically bring new prospective customers to your boat at the event by inviting them to attend interviews onboard.
- We offer a unique way for you to engage with your customers by inviting them to your boat and we will interview them.
- For every interview we film on your boat we will add a promo for your company in the video.
- Our professional production team will be on hand to film anything you want (and included in the partnership is for our team to edit this / offering you the opportunity to film promotional content at the show at no cost to you).
- We would also like to conduct an interview with one of your representatives on the topic of 'top tips for buying your first boat')
- If your founder or CEO / senior managment team is in attendance we would love to interview them for the channel
- ALL content we create you have access to, to use as you see fit
- We will add a link to your website in all video descriptions that are filmed on your boat
- Four tickets to attend our St Andrews Day black tie dinner at Stirling Castle in Scotland on Friday 29th November 2024 which will be attended by 350 of the UK's leading entrepreneurs.
- Four tickets to attend our Burns Night black tie dinner in Manhatten, NYC in USA on Thursday 30th Janaury 2025 which will be attended by 250 of the USA's leading entrepreneurs.
Burns Night black tie dinner in Glasgow, Scotland
- Contact UsIf you are interested in discussing partnershipopportunities with #JOURNEYOFANIDEAplease contact Kylie Forrest